Mova . BoRee


Unique Circus Apparatuses


Fuelled by a passion for movement and creative expression, a playground is created to physically explore possibilities and limitations.
This is where I combine a life of training in the circus with a love for metalworking and hands-on-research into body consciousness meditation.


20 years of circus training expressed through unique apparatuses to create performances in different objects and styles.

I like to research the possibilities of movement within the different objects, and use experimentation to consciously create a choreographed piece of movement art or story.

Different acts available of around 5 minutes, and currently working on a 20 minute show.
Always open to collaborations and location/theme specific projects.

Copyright © Huize.Anders

Copyright © Jaan van Rompaey


Copyright © Jaan van Rompaey


A workshop to bring the participants into connection with their bodies, based on movement meditation practices and a playful attitude.

Using creativity and an unknown territory of limitations and possibilities, people of different levels can be guided through exercise to discover their own way of moving while interacting with objects and other people.
Movement on the ground will be combined with hanging, spinning and moving in the air.


Bring some lively excitement to any place where people pass by.A playground of metal objects on the floor and in the air invites people to step out of their normal day, into a new experience. Every body can try what is within the possibilities for them, and what it feels like to meet the edge of their comfort zone. But most importantly, PLAY!

The Playground is ongoing and supervised, so people can jump in and out as they please and ask for help or inspiration when needed.

Custom Made Movement Apparatuses

Various designs based on circular shapes, made out of metal tubing.I love to create shapes, bringing out different possibilities and limitations within movement. Each object brings out something new in peoples physical discoveries.Existing designs are available for circus artists or any playful humans.
Contact me to get a full overview of the options.
Do you have other ideas or specific wishes? I would love to get together to see how we can make your dream a reality!


Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or just to get in touch!
I'd love to chat :) so feel free to call
and leave a message if I'm not there.

Copyright © 2025 Mova Boree - All Rights Reserved